Taking into consideration the current Pandemic situation, the unpredictability of events like InSight is quite high, and therefore we want to make clear our intentions and the pathway we are choosing to make when it comes to cancellation procedures, both in case you as a participant intend to cancel your inscription, or if due to a much bigger outbreak of COVID-19 we find ourselves forced to cancel the event.
Upon the inscription, you will be given two options of payment regarding the total amount of the workshops. These options consist of either paying the totality of the amount by transfer or by paying it in two installments, the first of 200€, and the rest upon arrival to the event.
Our cancelation policies foresee the refunding of a percentage of the amount paid in the following situations:
If the cancellation is made earlier than the 23rd of July;
If by an aggravation of the current COVID-19 pandemic situation, InSight’s organization is forced to cancel the event.
The percentage of the refundment would be calculated over the total weekly workshop fee, or double the fee if you choose to inscribe for two weeks. The total amount lost due to the cancelation would not exceed 33,5% of the total weekly fee.
If the cancellation is made only after the 23rd of July, due to management reasons, the organization of InSight cannot assure any refunding of the amounts already paid.
The amount kept by InSight is meant to cover all the expenses of the pre-production of the event of this nature encompasses, which we hope every participant is able to understand.