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Luke Jessop





This workshop focuses mainly on the dancer's relationship with the ground and the air. The class uses simple movement patterns that involve breathing, speed and the release of energy throughout the body in order to activate the relationship between the center and the joints, which enter and leave the earth more efficiently. The focus is to develop a movement at different levels - up and down, different supports and look for the balance of different parts of the body.

We start by means of games that awaken the body and the mind, they are urged to connect with the environment: the air, the soil, and the energy of others, forming an interconnection. Later we focus on short movement exercises where we will take the body to: draw spirals, weight control works, displacement through space, speed, precision and motors of movement that connect us to the final sentences.

We will also identify work in pairs and relationship aspects such as: confidence, weight, instinct, conscience, leaders and followers. The flow in physical communication depends on the awareness of a shared equilibrium. We will work with predefined situations, which will be based on the trust of others. Then we can assume more risks playing with power and speed. Participants are invited to bring their own ideas, explore and rediscover their own qualities.


Marko Fonseca studied at the El Barco Conservatory [Costa Rica] and has worked in different companies in Costa Rica and Europe, the project has more than 15 scenic works and have been presented in countries such as Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Perú, Uruguay, Panamá, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Guatemala, México, United States, Spain, Portugal, France, Rusia, Bélgica, Romania, Italy, Czech Republic, Switzerland, and Corea.

He currently maintains a research work and collaborates with different artists of the medium, he teaches Workshops / Workshops of inPRACTICAL where they mix different tendencies of the movement arts, martial arts, and the work of partnering / duo.

His project Los INnato has received several national and international prizes with their works "Kitsch", "matchPoint", "Etérea" and "NO / nato" in which they stand out: FesNval of Choreographers of the Nacional Theater, Costa Rica 2009, Winner of the Contest of Solos and Duets "SOLÓDODOS en Danza Costa Rica 2013", XII InternaNonal Choreography CompeNNon Burgos - New York 2013, obtaining: RCH Prize Best Interpreters, L 'Estruch / Sabadell ArNsNc Residence Award, Spain, Prize as finalist for the VIII Choreographic CompeNNon of Sabadell, Spain 2013, Iberoamerican Circuit of the Network 2015 - Network of AlternaNve Theaters of Spain.

In the years 2013 (Mexico), 2014 (Spain), 2015 (Brazil), 2017 (Panamá), and (México) 2019 (España - Corea) they have carried out residencies of arNsNc creation where they have developed their latest stage creations.

This independent project directs and produces the Internacional Street FesNval called La Machine and the Internacional Training platform Revés.

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