Luke Jessop

The body as a dynamic object
Our body is the same in every movement and in any style but the possibility to change is essential. We focus on the principal of adaptation during the workshop.
Through several exercises, we establish a strong body where the focus is on the timing and the sharp reactions. We practice alone and with a partner as well.
The material is based on several different ways of partnering that I learned throughout my practices, and on material/technique that I developed during creations and research on my own.
Dynamic and powerful dance where we only deal with a physicality that defines the essential movements.
In the workshop, we go through various combinations to experience power, support, speed, acrobatic movements and the unique feeling of connection.
Born in Hungary, Máté Mészáros is a graduate of the Hungarian Dance Academy and from BCDA - Hungary. He has worked as a professional dancer for the Szeded Contemporary Ballet (1999-2003), Carte Blanche (2003-2008), Ultima Vez (2009-2015) and Leonina Imperial (2004). He teaches at various Dance Companies and Schools, such as the Company's Ultima Vez (BEL), Carte Blanche (NO), Unsusual Symptoms (GER), Gothe Theater Munich (GER), Central European Dance Theater (HUN), Budapest Contemporary Dance School (HUN) and Performact (PT). He is a regular guest at the international dance festivals Deltebre Dansa (ESP), Summer Intensive (PT), Supercell Dance Festival (AUS), Alias Summer Intensive (CAN), Venice Biennale (ITA), Revuelo (CHL) and Gdansk International Dance Festival (PL). Since 2010, he has been developing his own projects, presented at various international dance festivals. They are: Unite Space of Ambivalence (2018), InSoundOut for Central European Dance Theater (2017), NexToMe for Unsusual Symptons Dance Theater (2016), Hinoki (2014), Unkown Kingdom for Eva Duda Dance Company and OneManCrowd (2010). Dancer and creator of recognized merit, he has received several prizes such as Staféta Budapest for young talents (2018), best choreography at the Mono Dance Festival (2017), best dancer in Zoltán Imre prize (2003), best dancer in Veszprém Dance Festi-val (2001) and the Mária Keresztes Award (1999)